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let me introduce myself 

About Me
Shay Spencer-Watson presenting at a conference

Hello, I'm Shannon (Shay) Spencer-Watson, a 38-year-old wife and mother of a young daughter living in Northern Virginia. Despite my outspoken nature and unapologetic personality, many mistake me for an extrovert. In reality, I am an introvert grappling with severe social anxiety.


I spent years morphing into a chameleon, altering my beliefs and actions to please others. Eventually, I recognized the detrimental toll this façade was taking on my well-being. This realization led me to abandon the pursuit of others' approval and embrace my authentic self.


In my household, I reside with my husband Michael and our daughter Tahiry. As a Military Sexual Trauma (MST) advocate and a disabled army veteran, I actively engage with the military and veteran community in Washington D.C. My primary goal is to foster a supportive community where we uplift, motivate, and celebrate each other while pursuing our aspirations without compromising our true selves.


My content reflects a blend of inspiration and raw authenticity. Life's journey, though challenging, is undeniably beautiful. Some days I feel empowered, rubbing shoulders with individuals like Daymond John from Shark Tank. Other days, I find myself hastily scouting dinner options in the grocery store in a disheveled pair of Crocs, hoping to go unnoticed. These relatable moments are a testament to life's unpredictability.


I am eager to connect and engage with inspiring individuals both online and offline. Feel free to reach out, as I am thrilled to share this chapter of my life with you and hope to inspire and connect with you in a meaningful manner.

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